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Release Year 2020; Country Bulgaria; 7 of 10 star; ; Rod Lurie; 6349 Votes

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Director Rod Lurie's first film in almost a decade is also one of his best, and the first movie since our national nightmare began in 2020 that I really regretted not being able to see in a theater. While I would always prefer a theatrical exhibition, the truth is that films like "The King of Staten Island" and "Trolls: World Tour" haven't lost a lot by transitioning from the multiplex to VOD. However, The Outpost" is designed to be a visceral, you-are-there experience, a film like "Black Hawk Down" or "Saving Private Ryan" that drops viewers in the middle of an absolute nightmare. While dozens of movies have sought to recreate the unimaginable horror of literally fighting your life, The Outpost" connects more than most, thanks in large part to Lurie's technical skill and a young cast that elevates what could have been overly familiar material. In particular, Scott Eastwood and Caleb Landry Jones do the best work of their respective careers.
"Our mission from now is what it's always been. Yeah, to survive."
Just looking at the geographic layout of the outpost at Kamdesh in Afghanistan in 2006, one realizes how that mission to survive was a daily concern. Lurie and his cinematographer Lorenzo Senatore give viewers a tracking shot at the start of "The Outpost, revealing how this real outpost was basically in the worst possible spot, at the center of a deep valley. The enemy Taliban forces always had a dominant perspective on it, and were able to hide out on the many ridges that overlooked it. They could shoot directly down into the outpost, which had been placed there near the Pakistani border to help with community relations, which quickly broke down after attacks and mistrust formed with the local elders.
Lurie and screenwriters Paul Tamasy and Eric Johnson ( The Fighter" adopt an episodic approach for the first half of the film, as the troops at Kamdesh outpost suffer tragedies that require new leaders to take command. This half consists mostly of routine conversations interrupted by gunfire. The dialogue often overlaps, and many of the faces blend together, but that's part of the point. These men were similar in age and often in background, and they all alternated the extreme boredom of a distant outpost with the constant terror associated with imminent attack. A few faces do stand out, including Lieutenant Benjamin D. Keating (Orlando Bloom) Staff Sergeant Clint Romesha (Scott Eastwood) Specialist Ty Michael Carter (Caleb Landy Jones) and Captain Robert Yllescas (Milo Gibson.
Every performance in "The Outpost" is better than average, particularly for movies like this, and that's one of Lurie's greatest accomplishments. He threads that needle in which he somehow captures the "average guy" nature of this group of soldiers while giving his performers just enough of what they need to stand out. Eastwood is particularly solid, giving a performance that is so reminiscent of his father's youth that one can almost close their eyes and hear Clint. (Try it when he says, No. Not today." It almost sounds like young Clint dubbed the line.) And Jones continues to impress, particularly in the back half of the film.
That half consists almost entirely of the two-day attack from October 2009, one of the most brutal modern assaults of the neverending war that has been in that region since 9/11, all of it boiled down into about an hour of filmmaking. After learning that the outpost was finally being closed, the Taliban fighters decided to deliver a message and sent hundreds of soldiers to attack the men there. Lurie adopts a Ridley Scott style in which bullets and shouted orders dominate the filmmaking, but he never gets lost in the action, as so many modern directors tend to do (looking at you, Peter Berg. He manages to convey the insanity without resorting to cheap filmmaking tricks or manipulative storytelling.
"The Outpost" isn't the first film to document how human errors led to the loss of life-the Battle of Kamdesh resulted in multiple disciplinary actions against people who failed to support the base in the first place-and it certainly won't be the last. Sadly, acts of heroism often emerge from acts of failure on a structural level. What elevates Lurie's film is the balance, never allowing his film to turn into blind jingoism, or a castigation of a broken system that sacrifices young men. He keeps his eye where it belongs, on the real people caught in the middle of it all, stuck in the valley of war.


Looks like a cross between Alien and The Thing. Watch Online Ustream Watch, TheOutpost,Online,Free,Movie,4K The movie download in hindi Watch The Outpo&st Online Vidzi. When it rains it pours! Holy crap. Can't wait to see this. Have to say that the movie was way better than i expected, pretty decent sci-fi horror\thriller. And one more thing that i've noticed is that finally you can hear some pretty decent soundtracks in Russian movies, this one or the Blackout are good examples of that. Music was definitely somewhat inspired by Sicario or Arrival. Assieges. Assi c3 a9g c3 a9s series. Man, I'm a Puerto Rican, and I was in the middle of my third car jacking for the day, and I had to take time to watch this trailer. These are some bad hombres Mel Gibson is fighting.

Assi c3 a9g c3 a9s charger. Assi c3 a9g c3 a9s power. Mel's drunk AF in most of the scenes. Looks fascinating although possibly similar to Annihilation and Alien. For a great Russian sci-fi classic I would also recommend Solaris (1972. Mel Gibson and Emile Hirsh? Sign me up. Assieges film. Blackburn, can you now type. √ All Subtitle. Assi c3 a9g c3 a9s parts. Americans have all this technology but still use binoculars in trenches. Parascopes would be more effective and safer. Pls watch boy tapang. Excellent re-enactment of the battle of karmdesh, one of the bloodiest confrontations between US forces and the taliban, in 2009. The banter and dialogue is credible and the battle (which takes up the entire second half of the film) is brilliantly and chaotically executed. Cast is ably led by Scott Eastwood - who is beginning to look more and more like his father with each passing film. Incidentally, he plays a soldier called Clint - Sgt Clint Romesha, awarded medal of honour. Riveting stuff.

Mel Gibson? Okay, I'm sold. First 18 seconds convinced me of seeing this movie. Don't worry Comrades. Mother Russia will deal with Alien. Take it to Gulag. Sad to think the strongest military force in the history of warfare let these soldiers die in such a meat grinder. Read more here #TheOutpost Online Dailymotion.

Assieges boel france.

Seen it this morning with my wife, very good movie

Lmao an alien attacking a smart idea on the aliens part. Assi c3 a9g c3 a9s vs. AssiÃgas station. Thats what sucks about the millitary if the guys on the ground say it cant be held some ass behind a desk thats never seen it tells u to shut up and take orders then blames it on the dead soldiers. I love foreign horror, enjoy subtitles, and have been waiting for this film. That said, I must admit this will be my first Russian film. HONEST QUESTION: Are there a lot of things that don't translate well between Russian and English? I'm asking because I've seen Spanish, Sweedish, Korean, Portuguese, Japanese, etc. I am bilingual and appreciate other languages, but the translation just feels more off and odd here.





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